Home :: GL1800 Goldwing Parts Used AND New :: Goldwing GL1800 12-17 Fairing Bra H08P35-MCA-100

Goldwing GL1800 12-17 Fairing Bra H08P35-MCA-100

Goldwing GL1800 12-17 Fairing Bra H08P35-MCA-100
This bra has been used, but not often. I use a bra on my 1800 when I anticipate dusty/gravel roads: as in going to Alaska or middle America, or north to the Arctic Ocean. For certain it has saved me thousands of dollars in plastic replacements. When I use it, I vacume it well first, then I use carpet tape to close the edges up and keep dust out. Not the prettiest, but it sure does the job. (FYI: I also cover my front fender, a strip 4 inches wide, with carpet tape or duct tape, for those adventures.)
SKU SW5006 {38}
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.55 kg
CAD$ 88.27
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