Home :: GL1800 Goldwing Parts Used AND New :: GL1500 or GL1800 97 to 17 NUT, HEX. (22MM) 90206-MZ0-000

GL1500 or GL1800 97 to 17 NUT, HEX. (22MM) 90206-MZ0-000

GL1500 or GL1800 97 to 17 NUT, HEX. (22MM) 90206-MZ0-000
New clutch cinch nut, the one that gets staked on 97 GL1500's to 2017 GL1800's. Same nut, including Valkyries. Got to have a new one when you removed the clutch.
SKU SW3289 {97}
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.15 kg
CAD$ 13.50
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