Home :: GL1500 Goldwing New and Used Parts :: Goldwing GL11 12 or 1500 80 to 87 SW13 LOCK, FILLER LID 37220-439-007

Goldwing GL11 12 or 1500 80 to 87 SW13 LOCK, FILLER LID 37220-439-007

Goldwing GL11 12 or 1500 80 to 87 SW13 LOCK, FILLER LID 37220-439-007
Single Tumbler, checked and lubricated with EZ lube. This will fit the fuel lid or the right side pocket lid of all GL1100 or GL1200 models. The key number is on the side of the tumbler for getting a key cut, or this can be remastered to your bike set.
SKU SW4035 {39}
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.15 kg
CAD$ 17.01
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