Home :: Valkyrie GL1500 C CT CF 1800C Parts and Accessories :: Goldwing GL1100 GL1500 83, 97-03 Front brake master kit 45530-MA4-671

Goldwing GL1100 GL1500 83, 97-03 Front brake master kit 45530-MA4-671

Goldwing GL1100 GL1500 83, 97-03 Front brake master kit 45530-MA4-671
Front brake master overhaul kit, new from HONDA. Fits GL1100, 1983, 1500C,CT Valkyries, cm, CB,CX,FT, ST, CBR, and other models. Honda number 45530-MA4-671
SKU SW4800 {29}
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.15 kg
CAD$ 55.30
  Quantity (1 available)
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