I had a 2000 Pearl Corona Blue 1500 SE which had two large gouges on one saddlebag and 1 small gouge in the other. I bought a touchup pen from a well known outfit in California, but it didn't come close to being a match. I contacted Honda, found out who made the paint for that year, went to them and bought enough to touchup the scars. The match was perfect. With light applications to fill, wet sanding to smooth, then a light buff, then sprayed on clear coat and a bit more wet-sanding and buffing: the gouges dissappeared. You had to know they were there and look closely to find the repairs. This is the proper paint, and with the thinner it cost nearly $200 US for a cup-full of paint. I used about 2 cc's of it in total, cleaning up ALL the minor pebble mars and other injuries on the bike, using an artist's paint brush. I have lots left, and I know how hard it is to get, so I've put 5cc's of prepared paint, (with the proper DT870 thinner at 1:1) in air-tight bottles for you. Hope it saves you some grief and expense. That PB255P pint is used on several different Honda models, but to my knowledge the only Goldwing that has it is the 2000 SE model. Beautiful bike.