One of the most ignored pieces on your Goldwing. It takes 7 needle bearings (which cost about $150 laned IF you do it yourself), and is RARELY if ever properly maintained. Most are dried out, or very close to it, when disassembled. Lots of un-necessary slop when you let them go bad. This particular one was well maintained by an experienced "Winger". This unit has been \dDis-assembled, checked for any play, bearings cleaned, grease-packed in : in other words fully serviced, and is ready to go. I keep a spare one of these ready to go, switch them out after 30k miles (takes about 20 minutes), and then service the removed one for the next go-round. I run Traxxion suspension, and I run it hard. Take care of these, they'll take care of you. That includes the 52475-MCA-000, Rod sub-assy, cushion connecting.