Home :: GL1800 Goldwing Parts Used AND New :: Goldwing GL1800 01 to 17 CAMSHAFT, R. 14110-MCA-780

Goldwing GL1800 01 to 17 CAMSHAFT, R. 14110-MCA-780

Goldwing GL1800 01 to 17 CAMSHAFT, R. 14110-MCA-780
Right hand Cam: Specifications: Exhaust (X) 41.65mm, Intake (I) 41.58mm, Journal runnout max .03 : This cam: X1= 41.75, X3= 41.74, X5= 41.67, I1= 41.72, I3= 41.68, I5= 41.67, Rounnout journal 1:= .01, 2:= .01, 3:= .01, 4:= .005 This adds up to a cam at 47k WELL maintained miles, well within all service limits (in actuallity it is hardly worn). Nice piece, would go into my bike any day on any build, probably better than the cams in mine.
SKU SW4536 {33}
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 1.25 kg
CAD$ 136.90
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