Home :: GL1800 Goldwing Parts Used AND New :: Goldwing GL1800 12 to 17 Harness 32120-MCA-R702

Goldwing GL1800 12 to 17 Harness 32120-MCA-R702

Goldwing GL1800 12 to 17 Harness 32120-MCA-R702
Harness SUB-HARNESS, RR. 32120-MCA-R702 in excellent condition (6,644 miles on the bike). All wires, ll covers, all terminals as they should be, and although dusty from storage, this harness is ike new. From a loaded Canadian ABS 2014
SKU SW3433 {7}
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 1.45 kg
CAD$ 117.94
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