Home :: GL1800 Goldwing Parts Used AND New :: Goldwing GL1800 12 to 17 Side stand assembly 50532-MCA-000

Goldwing GL1800 12 to 17 Side stand assembly 50532-MCA-000

Goldwing GL1800 12 to 17 Side stand assembly 50532-MCA-000
Side stand assembly: bar, mount, spring, pivot bolt. Very nearly new: some of the paint still on the foot. Greased, ready to place. Selling as a single unit due to demand: the sidestands rarely get grease, hence the pivot on the bar and the bolt are worn out, the mount is also worn. Well over $100 at Honda for these pieces.
SKU SW4651 {70}
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 1.40 kg
CAD$ 68.05
  Quantity (1 available)
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