Home :: GL1800 Goldwing Parts Used AND New :: Goldwing GL1800 18 to 19 COVER, R. SADDLEBAG UPPER Code R367C 81393-MKC-A00ZF

Goldwing GL1800 18 to 19 COVER, R. SADDLEBAG UPPER Code R367C 81393-MKC-A00ZF

Goldwing GL1800 18 to 19 COVER, R. SADDLEBAG UPPER Code R367C 81393-MKC-A00ZF
New Candy Ardent Red piece. As it came from the factory, unused. Pretty. Purchased with a lot of new pieces to deal with an insurance claim, not needed. Not in the Honda box simply because they suck up too much space in storage. Anything you see in the pics that doesn't look like clean and clear Honda paint is reflections bouncing off the clearcoat.
SKU SW4434 {CDeck}
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 1.45 kg
CAD$ 76.02
  Quantity (1 available)
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