Home :: GL1800 Goldwing Parts Used AND New :: Goldwing GL1800 01 to 17 Arm, sub-assembly, cushion shock 52465-MCA-000

Goldwing GL1800 01 to 17 Arm, sub-assembly, cushion shock 52465-MCA-000

Goldwing GL1800 01 to 17 Arm, sub-assembly, cushion shock 52465-MCA-000
Essentially new, at 1 miles, this shows it. This is $280 at Honda, then add the $40 of bushings and bolt. This is one of the most neglected aspects of any GL1800: rarely if ever is it serviced properly. The rebuild on this is $291 for the bearings, bushings. It should be properly serviced every 35-40k miles at the most. It is taking all of the beating from the road.
SKU SW6069 {23}
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 1.15 kg
CAD$ 98.79
  Quantity (1 available)
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