Home :: GL1800 Goldwing Parts Used AND New :: Goldwing GL1800 09 to '10 SWITCH ASSY., TURN SIGNAL AUDIO 35200-MCA-R41

Goldwing GL1800 09 to '10 SWITCH ASSY., TURN SIGNAL AUDIO 35200-MCA-R41

Goldwing GL1800 09 to '10 SWITCH ASSY., TURN SIGNAL AUDIO 35200-MCA-R41
LEFT hand control switch assembly. 23k high and dry miles on this unit, Dissassembled, cleaned, re-lubricated, checked and tested. It is as close to new as you will find. $612 at Honda. Ready to place, and DO NOT lubricate for 3 years minimum: the best lube in the world is in it now.
SKU SW5863 {68}
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.99 kg
CAD$ 417.56
  Quantity (1 available)
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