Home :: GL1800 Goldwing Parts Used AND New :: Goldwing GL1800 2001 MOLDING L RR SADDLEBAG PB304P 81471-MCA-000ZB

Goldwing GL1800 2001 MOLDING L RR SADDLEBAG PB304P 81471-MCA-000ZB

Goldwing GL1800 2001  MOLDING L RR SADDLEBAG PB304P 81471-MCA-000ZB
Left saddlebag corner molding code PB304P, PEARL APOLLO BLUE, in as-new condition, showroom floor takeoff 20 years ago. Not a mar.
SKU SW5657 {54}
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.20 kg
CAD$ 86.76
  Quantity (1 available)
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